Embark on an intergalactic journey with LEGO 76282 Marvel Rocket & Baby Groot! Inspired by the Guardians of the Galaxy film series, this set features the beloved characters Rocket Raccoon and Baby Groot in brick-built form.
Rocket’s detailed spaceship includes adjustable wings, cockpit, and stud shooters for action-packed play scenarios. Baby Groot comes in adorable minifigure form, ready to accompany Rocket on their next mission.
Key Features
- Suitable for kids aged 10 and up.
- Features Rocket and Baby Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy.
- Rocket holds a spring shooter and blaster, with Baby Groot on his shoulder.
- Fully posable action figure for dynamic play.
- Offers numerous play and display options.
- Ideal gift for Marvel and action movie fans.
- Includes 3D building instructions via the LEGO Builder app.
- Part of the LEGO Marvel range for creative adventures.
- Consists of 566 pieces and stands over 8.5 in. (22 cm) tall when built.