Meet the Enchantimals, a group of lovable characters who share a special bond with their animal best friends This Enchantimals family set from the Harvest Hills collection includes Cambrie Cow doll (6-inch), Ricotta cow, and 2 baby cow figures. This adorable herd of characters encourages nurturing play. Little ones will love acting out the special family bond Cambrie Cow doll loves to be spotted in her overalls outfit. Always on the the moo-ve with her gang, Ricotta cow and the 2 baby calf figures are each distinctively designed with their own adorable look. Each sold separately, subject to availability. Includes doll wearing fashions and accessories and 3 animal figures. colours and decorations may vary.
- Discover the magic of friendship and nature with these Enchantimals family sets from the Harvest Hills collection
- Includes Cambrie Cow doll (6-inch), Ricotta cow, and 2 baby cows.
- For fashion play, Cambrie Cow doll is lookin’ farm fresh in her overalls outfit with a removable skirt and boots.
- Ricotta cow and the 2 baby cows are ready to make moo friends
- With 4 characters in this family multi-pack, it’s extra fun for your little one.